
Minggu, 12 Januari 2020

Riview Journal

( curriculum and study )


Annisa Aditya  / 1802050049


Praise be to Allah SWT who still gives me the opportunity to be able to complete the task of  Reviewing  the journal on "Curriculum and study". In this case I would like to thank Mr. Muhammad Arifin as Lecturer in Curriculum and Learning who have provided a lot of knowledge so that I can complete the task independently.
Despite all that, I am fully aware that there are still shortcomings in terms of sentence structure and grammar. Therefore, I receive advice and criticism from various parties, especially from lecturers who take care of courses and friends  students of English education.
Finally, I hope that this task can bring benefits in exploring the knowledge of curriculum materials for the readers.

Table of Content
Table of Content................................................ii
Capter 1 Introduction.................. ....................................................1
Capter 2 Summary of Article Content...............................................2
Capter 3 Discussion..............................................5
Capter 4 Clossing....................................................7


Benefits of Critical Journal Review:

Identifying specific actions to address gaps within an academic program

Improve teaching and learning practices

Understand the relationship among courses within a program,
Teori and practice

The purpose of writing critical journal

 Can Define the programs investigation

To Support the identification of the type of data to collect during the process

Can make Structure the action plan of the report

Form the foundation of the interim criticism report

What careers do graduates of the program go on to have?

How can we make the program more innovative?


The purpose of this is to revels the rearch tendececies in the article related to curriculum and instruction published in educational resecher journal during the last ten years 2005 qnd 2016.descritive servey model and documents analysis were use to conduct the study a content analysis approach was used to analyses the data obtained. By making general evaluation in the analyses article arcoding to their subject,reseach design and method,data collections tools,samplying type, genders of the researchers and the publishing years of the article, the tendecly in this field was aimed to be a result of the study,it was revealed that thesubjects of the article are mostly related to intraction levels curriculum,tendecis in education,teacher training,education,education reform,and teaching reviews. The research method used is qualitative,and the ducoment analyses was employed as a data collection tool.

Keywords; curriculum and study instruction,general tendency in article,research design,method,data collection tools


According to varris,curriculum and study all the activities for the realization of the aims of national education and the instiation provided by an education institution children,young people and edults . 

The study curriculum 

Without doubt, the most important person in the curriculum implementation process is the teacher. With their knowledge, experiences and competencies, teachers are central to any curriculum development effort. Better teachers support better learning because they are most knowledgeable about the practice of teaching and are responsible for introducing the curriculum in the classroom.
If another party has already developed the curriculum, the teachers have to make an effort to know and understand it. So, teachers should be involved in curriculum development. For example, teacher’s opinions and ideas should be incorporated into the curriculum for development. On the other hand, the curriculum development team has to consider the teacher as part of the environment that affects curriculum (Carl, 2009). Hence, teacher involvement is important for successful and meaningful curriculum development. Teachers being the implementers are part of the last stage of the curriculum development process.

The Challenges Teachers Face in Curriculum and study
The teachers’ involvement in the curriculum development process is essential in meeting the needs of society. The process of curriculum development requires teachers to act and reflect on society's needs in each stage of the development process. Nevertheless, sometimes this process which teachers are requested to follow is unclear. For example, in South Africa most teachers are not qualified and lack the necessary skills to participate in curriculum development. Their approach of participation in the process is not well defined and very difficult on teachers, so they face many challenges regarding their involvement in curriculum development (Ramparsad, 2000). As a result, I think that there should be major advances in teacher development in order for teachers to actively reflect on society's needs in each stage of the curriculum development process. On the other hand, in any curriculum implementation process not all teachers will have the chance to be involved in these processes. Professional development of teachers is as an important factor contributing to the success of curriculum development and implementation (Handler, 2010). So, we should think about what extent teacher education programs are needed for prospective teachers to study curriculum development.

Preparation for Teacher Involvement in Curriculum and study

Because teachers have to be involved in curriculum development, the teacher should be provided with appropriate knowledge and skills that help them to effectively contribute in curriculum development operation As a result, teachers need training and workshops, which are geared toward professional development to be able to contribute to curriculum development. On the other hand, there is an important point to make efficient in involvement teacher in curriculum development that is teachers have to be empowered in the process of curriculum development (Carl, 2009). This means teachers should have improvement and increasing in many points of them, such as experience and autonomy. Thus, teachers play an integral part in the process of developing the curriculum; then students’ outcomes.

The Teachers in Curriculum 

The teacher involved in curriculum organization has many roles and responsibilities. Teachers want to enjoy teaching and watching their students develop interests and skills in their interest area. The teacher may need to create lesson plans and syllabi within the framework of the given curriculum since the teacher's responsibilities are to implement the curriculum to meet student needs (Carl, 2009). Many studies support empowerment of teachers through participation of curriculum development. For example, Fullan (1991) found that the level of teacher involvement as a center of curriculum development leads to effective achievement of educational reform. Therefore, the teacher is an important factor in the success of curriculum development including the steps of implication and evaluation. Handler (2010) also found that there is a need for teacher involvement in the development of curriculum. Teachers can contribute by collaboratively and effectively working with curriculum development teams and specialists to arrange and compose martial, textbooks, and content. Teacher involvement in the process of curriculum development is important to align content of curriculum with students needs in the classroom.

In short, No curriculum will be perfect, a finished product cast in stone, or free from criticism, but to be effective it must be accepted by teachers and must be deemed educationally valid by parents and the community at large (“Guide to curriculum development,” 2006). Curriculum development should be viewed as a process by which meeting student needs leads to improvement of student learning. In addition, it cannot be stagnant. Curriculum must be a living document that is in constant flux. It must be adaptable to changes in the educational community and in society in general. Only then will it be able to be an effective change agent in the educational process.

The change journey comes in many phases, where collaboration and feedback are important (Glickman, Gordon & Ross-Gordon, 2013, p. 293). Teachers and supervisors gather and collect data, reflect with dialogue, and make informed decisions together. Instructional leadership is shared with teachers, in its most progressive forms it is being cast as collegial investigation, reflection, and coaching (Blasé, 1999, p. 350). Problems and conflict do happen, but “problems are our friends” (Glickman, Gordon & Ross-Gordon, 2013, p. 293). Problems need to be embraced so that the organization can come up with a reasonable solution or solutions. Finally, for schools to be successful with change and development, they must believe that creating a culture of continuous improvement is the way to adapt to changing needs and conditions. Schools need to continuously assess themselves and have the goal toward self-actualizing (Glickman, Gordon & Ross-Gordon, 2013, p. 293). Thus, schools are never perfect or self-actualized.

Curriculum, with Latin roots – ‘currere’ means running of the course (Pinar, 2011), a racecourse. In an academic environment, our curriculum – the race course, becomes prescribed and described as the program of study, made up of a series of individual courses. Toombs & Tierney (1993) also describe curriculum as ‘an intentional design for learning negotiated by faculty in the light of their specialized knowledge and in the context of social expectations and student’s needs.

However, curriculum is not static, but remains fluid and dynamic, ever changing. With learning being interpreted and experienced differently by diverse participants, making it important that we develop an awareness of our curriculum as constructed everyday by participants in our educational program.


From the journal who written reviewed in consultation with the review team, will include a summary of the program context, a list of processes followed, and findings and action plans that emerge from the Review Curriculum but to be effective it must be accepted by teachers and must be deemed educationally valid by parents and the community at large 
While according to the journal of Patti Dyjur, PhD in his journal entitled “Introduction to Curriculum Review”, namely The Success of the Curriculum Review Process is not about collecting perfect sets of data, but about using the data collected to meaningful information, collaborative discussions to inform decisions made about the program 

And than the other side quoted from the journal who written said that Curriculum development can be challenging, therefore the involvement of all stakeholders, especially individuals who are directly involved in student instruction, is a vital piece in successful curriculum development and revision 

But from Patti Dyjur, PhD in his journal entitled “Introduction to Curriculum Review” During the analysis phase of the curriculum develop process, data collected from the curriculum mapping process, OIA, NSSE, and students’ survey/interviews, are discussed. These discussions guide decisions on what direction the faculty or department would take to address findings from the data.

Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages :
Seen from the aspect of the contents of the journal written by the Journal: - Describe clearly and completely starting from the introduction or background of the problem why the curriculum was made to develop the curriculum effectively and describe the step by step method.
While from the grammatical aspects - Writing this journal regularly and in accordance with the rules of making Journal writing. -The words used in this journal are standard and in accordance with the rules of good sentences.


seen from the aspect of the contents of the journal written by the Journal: -Journals have the disadvantage of having a blur of meaning in some subtitles and making the reader a little confused. The discussion is incomplete such as the subtitles are few and the writing is not neat.
while from the aspect of grammar - Space writing is irregular and there are words that are less effective as often repeated.



In short, No curriculum will be perfect, a finished product cast in stone, or free from criticism, but to be effective it must be accepted by teachers and must be deemed educationally valid by parents and the community at large development Curriculum development should be viewed as a process by which meeting student needs leads to improvement of student learning. In addition, it cannot be stagnant. Curriculum must be a living document that is in constant flux. It must be adaptable to changes in the educational community and in society in general. Only then will it be able to be an effective change agent in the educational process.


This journal in writing is very good and complete, but if I may give advice for this journal to be better to provide more interesting content, easier writing style so that readers can more easily understand the meaning of the journal writing. And a little extra In designing a system the writer requires a system development method to facilitate research into system.

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Riview Journal

REVIEW JOURNAL ( curriculum and study ) by, Annisa Aditya  / 1802050049 ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM...